District heating: Mosonmagyaróvár can lean back, for about forty years
One of the major cities in Western Hungary is about to switch its district heating system to geothermal energy – in partnership with the EU-Fire Group. As a result of the long-term cooperation, the city’s dependence on gas will be reduced and its future will become more livable.

Within weeks, Mosonmagyaróvár can ensure its meaningful energy independence: a significant part of the properties connected to the city’s district heating system will be heated by the EU-Fire Group – the required amount of heat will be provided by a geothermal solution. Once the system (working with hot water extracted from the depth of the earth) is started, it will work undisturbed for about four decades, with mandatory maintenance. In other words, Mosonmagyaróvár can guarantee the warmth of district heating homes and institutions in the distant future at a safe and predictable price.
Highlight bouquet
40 years
heat generation provided
Gigajoule thermal energy in one heating season
cubic meters of gas do not need to be burned
tons of carbon dioxide do not pollute from autumn to spring
cubic meters of 83 C° degrees water per hour
kilometers of pipes underground
meters deep production well
The most spectacular action of recent weeks has been the installation of a submersible pump: the equipment coming from the United States of America was installed by the employees of the European representative office of the manufacturing company, namely to a depth of 320 meters. A robust tool needed to ensure proper water flow. Its dimensions and complexity are illustrated by the fact that the submersible pump (along with its supplies) filled an entire truck.
Since the so-called cooling pond has also been completed in the meantime, the system is essentially ready (see our list), only the finalization is needed. This is the so-called control system, which allows geothermal heat generation to be controlled – significantly automatically – from the city’s district heating center. The control devices mean everything from temperature to flow capacity to the current heat demand of the city, i.e. specialists can tune the geotermic system from a distance, so there is no need for human presence at either the production or the injection well.
Which is a check mark:
- production well
- injection well
- surface infrastructure
- cooling pond
- run of pipes
- mechanical engineering center
This also means that it is possible to serve the needs of Mosonmagyaróvár even more economically than usual. It should be noted: geothermal power plants are fundamentally economical, since – unlike their other operating counterparts – their surface service units are minimal, their essence is hidden underground. The EU-Fire Group is proud to contribute in partnership with the city administration to making Mosonmagyaróvár more livable, safer and greener by providing about half of the heat demand of 3600 apartments and 200 institutions, so this amount of energy must be produced using “gas operation”.