The EU-Fire Group strives to continuously expand its high-quality equipment. Now he acquired powerful machines.

Beneficiary Name: EU-FIRE Real Estate Development and Consulting Limited Liability Company
Project title: Capacity expansion investment through asset acquisition at EU-FIRE Ltd.
Amount of contracted support: HUF 130,511,434
Self-Aid intensity (in %): 50%
Presentation of the content of the project: The KATO 350 Ri mobile crane purchased within the framework of the development helps to dismantle and transport the lightweight structures (halls, plants, offices, etc.) already built and handed over, but corroded. The purchased 2 forklifts help to move the metal sheets, beams, rods and other structures.
Planned completion date of the project: 03.06.2021.
Project identification number: GINOP-1.2.1-16-2017-00327